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Tue January 07 – 10 Stories of The Day!

7 Jan, 2020 | 07:07h | UTC


1 – Gastrointestinal bleeding prophylaxis for critically ill patients: a clinical practice guideline – The BMJ (free)

See also: Efficacy and safety of gastrointestinal bleeding prophylaxis in critically ill patients: systematic review and network meta-analysis – The BMJ (free)


2 – European Society of Endocrinology Clinical Practice Guideline: Endocrine work-up in obesity – European Journal of Endocrinology (free)


3 – Homepage: Special Issue: Advances in Perioperative Care – BJS / Anaesthesia (free articles)

– Perioperative care and collaboration between surgeons and anaesthetists – it’s about time

– Role of the anaesthetist in postoperative care

– Framework for prehabilitation services

– Role of critical care in improving outcomes for high‐risk surgical patients

– Scoping review of mode of anaesthesia in emergency surgery

– Strategies to minimize intraoperative blood loss during major surgery

– Perioperative care of the obese patient

– Rational performance metrics for operating theatres, principles of efficiency, and how to achieve it

– Acute postoperative pain management

– Meta‐analysis of preoperative high‐sensitivity cardiac troponin measurement in non‐cardiac surgical patients at risk of cardiovascular complications

– Network meta‐analysis of urinary retention and mortality after Lichtenstein repair of inguinal hernia under local, regional or general anaesthesia

– Meta‐analysis of α‐blockade versus no blockade before adrenalectomy for phaeochromocytoma

– Network meta‐analysis of local and regional analgesia following colorectal resection

– Randomized clinical trial of intraoperative dexmedetomidine to prevent delirium in the elderly undergoing major non‐cardiac surgery

– Randomized clinical trial of continuous transversus abdominis plane block, epidural or patient‐controlled analgesia for patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery

– Qualitative study of clinician and patient perspectives on the mode of anaesthesia for emergency surgery

– Variation in global uptake of the Surgical Safety Checklist

– Safety and efficacy of non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery

– International multicentre review of perioperative management and outcome for catecholamine‐producing tumours


4 – National, regional, and global burdens of disease from 2000 to 2016 attributable to alcohol use: a comparative risk assessment study – The Lancet Public Health (free)

Commentary: The burden of alcohol use: better data and strong policies towards a sustainable development – The Lancet Public Health (free)

Related: Related: WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018 (free report and commentaries) AND Alcohol Use and Burden for 195 Countries and Territories – The Lancet (free study and commentaries) AND Prioritising action on alcohol for health and development – The BMJ (free)


5 – Critical Care Management of Toxicities Associated With Targeted Agents and Immunotherapies for Cancer – Critical Care Medicine (free)

Related: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Toxicities (free guidelines and reviews on the subject)


6 – Artificial Intelligence Is Rushing Into Patient Care – And Could Raise Risks – Scientific American (a few articles per month are free)

“AI systems are not as rigorously tested as other medical devices, and have already made serious mistakes.”


7 – Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hemolytic anemia in adults: Recommendations from the First International Consensus Meeting – Blood Reviews (free)

Related: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia – Hematology (free) AND Guidelines on the management of drug‐induced immune and secondary autoimmune, haemolytic anaemia – British Journal of Haematology (free)


8 – Efficacy of faecal microbiota transplantation for patients with irritable bowel syndrome in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study – Gut (free)

Related Articles: Faecal microbiota transplantation versus placebo for moderate-to-severe irritable bowel syndrome: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, single-centre trial – The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology (link to abstract – $ for full-text) AND The effect of fecal microbiota transplantation on IBS related quality of life and fatigue in moderate to severe non-constipated irritable bowel: Secondary endpoints of a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial – EbioMedicine (free)


9 – Efficacy and Safety of Early vs Elective Colonoscopy for Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding – Gastroenterology (free)

Commentary: Colonoscopy for Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding—Time Is Not of the Essence – Gastroenterology (free)


10 – Early Colonoscopy Does Not Improve Outcomes of Patients With Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Systematic Review of Randomized Trials – Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology (link to abstract – $ for full-text)

Commentary: Early colonoscopy did not improve outcomes in those hospitalized for lower GI bleeding – ACP Gastroenterology (free)


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